Residency Request Instructions

In accordance with California law, all students attending California State University, Dominguez Hills (CSUDH) are classified as either residents or non-residents for tuition purposes. Non- resident students, including out-of-state students, are required to pay an additional fee per unit.

New students and applicants may request an initial residency classification to determine if they qualify for in-state tuition, while continuing students have the option to request reclassification in a later term if their residency status changes after the original determination

If you're unsure about your residency status or where to begin, visit the CSU California Residency Requirements for Tuition Purposes page and select your student group for more information.

Determining Your Residency Status

New CSUDH students seeking residency classification or continuing students applying for
reclassification for CSU tuition purposes should follow these steps to ensure accurate

Provide clear copies of documents that support your claim for residency. Minor students must
submit supporting documents for their parent(s). Documents must be dated one year and one
day prior to the Residence Determination Date* for the term in which you are seeking residence
status for tuition purposes. These dates are as follows

Table 1.1


Residence Determination Date

Required Document Date (Example)
Fall SemesterSeptember 20, 2025Documents must be dated on or before September 19, 2024 for Fall 2025 enrollment
Spring SemesterJanuary 25, 2026Documents must be dated on or before January 24, 2025 for Spring 2026 enrollment
Summer SemesterJune 1, 2026Documents must be dated on or before May 31, 2025 for Summer 2026 enrollment

Important Note:

  • Documents must be dated one year and one day prior to the Residence Determination
  • A complete request must be submitted for review by the residency document deadline.
  • Documents will not be accepted late and your current residency status for tuition purposes will remain final. 

All Students:

  1. Download & Complete a Residence Questionnaire [PDF] form.
  2. Submit a minimum of three documents to verify residency. At least one document
    must be from List A, and the remaining documents can be selected from either List A or
    List B.

        Options to meet the requirement:

                 1. Option 1: One document from list A and two documents from List B

                 2. Option 2: Two documents from list A and one document from List B

                 3. Option 3: All three documents from list A (for example, CA driver's license,
                                   CA vehicle registration, and CA Voter Registration card)

                  List A:

                         1. California State Income Tax Return

                         2. Ownership of residential property as a primary residence in
                             California (must meet RDD)

                         3. Continuous occupancy of rented or leased property in California
                             (must meet RDD)

                         4. Obtaining a California Driver's License or Identification Card (must
                             meet RDD)

                         5. Registering To Vote and Voting history (must meet RDD)

                         6. Registering a Motor Vehicle Operated in California (must meet

                         7. Permanent Military Address or Home of Record on Military Records
                             (must meet RDD)

                         8. Receipt of California state services (e.g., unemployment, disability,
                             CalFresh) (must meet RDD)

                         9. Payment of nonresident tuition at an out-of-state institution if
                             attended within the past year

                   List B:

                        10. Federal Income Tax Return with a California address

                        11. Utility bill (e.g., cell phone, gas, electrical) with same California
                              address (must meet RDD, and only one utili​ty bill will be accepted)

                        12. Maintaining Active Resident Memberships in Professional 
                              Organizations (e.g., police union, teacher's union) (must meet

                        13. Maintaining an Active Bank Account with a California address (must
                              meet RDD)

                        14. Employment in California (e.g., verification of employment, W-2,
                              pay stubs) (must meet RDD)

                        15. Vehicle insurance with a California address (student must be listed
                              in the policy) (must meet RDD)

                        16. Selective Service Registration with a California address

                        17. Court documents (e.g., ward of the court, divorce decree, or child

                *Actions and/or documents that show residential ties to a State or country
                 other than California may cause a denial of residency.

      3. If you are a citizen of another country, you must additionally submit paperwork on
          your current immigration status such as:

                      1. Copy of Green Card (front and back)
                      2. Visa or Employment Card (front and back)

      4. For Continuing Students Seeking Reclassification:

For continuing students seeking reclassification as residents for tuition purposes, demonstrating
financial independence is essential. According to Title 5 CCR § 41905.5, this requires that:

  • The student has not been claimed as a tax dependent by their parents in the current
    year or in any of the three prior years.
  • The student has not received more than $750 in financial support from their parents during the same period.
  • The student has not lived with their parents for more than six weeks in any of those years.

In addition to financial independence, students must satisfy the requirements for eligible immigration status, physical presence, and intent to remain indefinitely in the state. To pursue reclassification, complete a Residence Questionnaire Form, and provide supporting documents. For more information, see Reclassification after Initial Residency Determination.

      5. AB 540 students should complete both the “CSU Residence Questionnaire” and the
          “California Nonresident Tuition Exemption Request (AB 540).” For additional guidance, see the page CSU Financial Aid and CSUDH Financial Aid CA Dream Act page.

      6. Submit your complete exemption request to our Residency Questionnaire Dropbox by clicking on the button below:

*All documents must be in PDF form. Please note, documents received by CSUDH will become the property of the University and will not be returned to the student or forwarded to any other institution or agency.
Exceptions and Exemptions

Students not classified as California residents for tuition purposes under the standard rules, may qualify for an exception or an exemption from payment of nonresident tuition fees and may be eligible to qualify as a resident for tuition purposes based on certain exceptions in the Uniform Student Residency Requirements.

Provide clear copies of documents that support your request for the exception or exemption you are applying for to update your residency classification if applicable before the following dates:

Residence Determination Date*

Fall Semester              September 20th
Spring Semester         January 25th
 Summer Semester      June 1st

*Documents must be dated one year and one day prior to the Residence Determination Date.   

Below are some examples of possible exceptions or exemptions:

1. Complete a California Nonresident Tuition Exemption Request also referred to as AB-540/AB-2000/SB-68/SB-1141.

  • Exemptions are available for students who meet the AB-540/AB-2000/SB-68/SB-1141 requirements.

2. Military

  • Exemptions available to active military personnel, their dependents, or to recently discharged military personnel.

3. Alan Pattee Scholarship

  • Spouse or child of a deceased law enforcement or fire suppression and prevention public employee.

4. Employees of the CSU or California State

  • Employees assigned outside California and their spouses, registered domestic partners and children are eligible.

5. Employees of California School Districts

  • A student is eligible for this exception for no more than one academic year.

6. Amateur Student Athletes

  • To determine eligibility, must provide proof of national governing body for sport in which student is competing.

For additional information on Exceptions & Exemptions, please click here.

Submit your complete exemption request to our Residency Questionnaire Dropbox by clicking on the button below:

*All documents must be in PDF form. Please note, documents received by CSUDH will become the property of the University and will not be returned to the student or forwarded to any other institution or agency. For further information concerning residency determination, click here. The residency document deadline* is:

Residency Document Deadline*

Fall Semester              September 20th
Spring Semester         January 25th
 Summer Semester      June 1st

*A complete request must be submitted for review by the residency document deadline.  Documents will not be accepted late and your current residency status for tuition purposes will remain final.  


Residency Appeals

Students classified as nonresidents may appeal to the Chancellor's Office within 30 calendar days of the issuance of the notification of the final campus decision. The campus decision may be appealed only if at least one of the following applies:

1. The decision was based on:

  1. a significant error of fact;
  2. a significant procedural error; or
  3. an incorrect application of law which, if corrected, would require that the student be reclassified as a resident; and/or

2. Significant new information, not previously known or available to the student, become available after the date of the campus decision classifying the student as a nonresident and based on the new information, the classification as a nonresident is incorrect.

Students must explain why the appeal meets one or more of the above appeal criteria and provide supporting documentation. For example, a "significant error of fact" could be demonstrated by stating that the campus incorrectly determined that a specific document, such as a driver's license, was untimely and by providing a copy of the document establishing the error. An appeal that only states a "significant error of fact" will be denied.

A campus residency classification appeal must be submitted online.

Students with a documented disability may contact for assistance with submission.


Frequently Asked Questions

Answers to common Residency Questions.

Do you have questions regarding residency or residency exceptions/exemptions?
Contact the Office of Admissions at for further assistance